I know you post post post post, then it totally slips your mind because it's half day at school, kids need picked up, and of course they are hungry so you run to McDonalds to grab chicken nuggets, when your husband calls you and reminds you that you are out of milk, bread, and eggs so you rush to Target and grab your favorite drink, and of course hit up the dollar spot. 2 hours later and your kids have told you their entire Christmas list and made you write it down {okay, just add this notebook and pens to the cart now} and you leave the store without getting the milk, bread, and eggs so you stop at CVS by your house and grab the last bread, and milk on the shelf - we will get the eggs tomorrow - head back home in time to restart the dryer for the third time, throw spaghetti on the stove quickly spray down the counters, yell for the kids to put their backpacks away, and greet your hubby with a warm plate of spaghetti as we walks in the door. After dinner it is a whirlwind of bath time arguments - I ALREADY SHOWERED 3 days ago mom - let the dogs out because you see they already pooped in the living room. Get everyone to bed, wash your face, and finally lay down exhausted, only to remember you forgot to post today and now you are too exhausted to post, don't have a selfie ready and won't be taking one in bed thank you, and decided to put it off to tomorrow. Breaking the consistency cycle.
What if everyday, in your email was a selfie to recreate, and maybe even some caption inspirations.
What if there was no more guesswork? What if everyday for 30 days you got to wake up, make your post, and live your life how you need to.
What if it also broke down your walls & fears of being judged. Showed you that showing up everyday is possible, and hell.... even FUN?!
No more breaking the consistency, no more going through the algorithm roller coaster. Just quick easy selfies that will not only get your audience used to seeing from you daily, but also connect you to them in a way they have been craving.
30 Days. That's all you need to have the Glow Up You have been waiting for.
Challenge starts the moment you join. You’ll Get….
Daily emails delivered first thing in the morning with exactly what kind of selfie to post that day.
Just recreate it as best you can and post it.
PLUS my Pose book to use as reference after your 30 days have been completed.
*** This is a self led 30 Day Selfie Challenge design to deliver selfies and captions directly to your inbox. Liberty is not responsible for explosive growth, extra sales, or burning confidence that you gain from participating.